You’re browsing the internet looking for new craft shows in your area (i.e. Ontario). When determining if a show is right for you there are a few key questions to ask. Below is our curated list of questions you must ask before you apply to your next craft show.
- How many years has the show been operating?
- What other shows have they done?
- Has the management changed or is it the same show organizer from previous years?
- Any changes to the show from previous years?
- What was the past attendance (does attendance change per season)?
- What is the advertising or marketing plan?
- Is it a juried show?
- What is the venue like (size, parking)?
- Other Marketing or PR opportunities for exhibitors?
- How/If they promote vendors at the show
- Are they active on social media?
- Do they have a website?
- Past media exposure (check on their website under media)
- What is the percent of returning vendors?
- How many (or percentage of) vendors in my category